Army infantry uniform mod. 1856 (Мундир пехотный армейский обр. 1856 года) M1-091-U
$ 120.0 per itemThe photo shows an artilleryman’s uniform; shoulder straps ARE NOT included in the price of the uniform.
Army infantry uniform type 1872 year (Мундир пехотный армейский обр. 1872 года) M1-107-U
$ 140.0 per itemAccording to the personal decree announced in the Order of the Military Department No. 6 of 01/08/1872 “On changing double-breasted uniforms with 6 and 8 buttons into single-breasted ones, with 8 buttons on the side, for generals, headquarters and chief -officers and lower ranks, as well as civilian ranks and doctors of the military department” (Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire, Second Collection, No. 50393 of 01/08/1872). There was a change in the appearance of the uniform of a number of military personnel of the Russian Imperial Army.
The photo shows an officer’s uniform made of dark green cloth.
Embroidery on the collar, cuffs and shoulder straps are not included in the price.
Bloomers arr. 1881 (Шаровары обр. 1881 года) M1-087-U
$ 95.0 per itemWearing loose trousers was a thing of the past, in connection with this, in 1881, shortened trousers, uniform for all types of army infantry uniforms, adapted for constant wear inside the tops of boots, were introduced.
Shortened infantry harem pants of the 1881 model, made of untufted cloth. In the guards and army dragoon units, piping was made along the outer side seams from the applied cloth assigned to the unit.
A.V. Aranovich V.A. Bezrodin
The uniform of the Russian imperial army of the late XIX – early XX century.
Ceremonial uniform of a chief – officer of the 13th Infantry Regiment 1913-1917 year (Парадный мундир обер – офицера 13 Cтрелкового полка 1913-1917 гг) M1-099-U
$ 670.0 per itemEpaulettes (shoulder straps), scarf are not included in the price of the product and must been ordered separately
Cherkeska (Черкеска) M1-012-U
$ 169.0 per itemCHERKESKA – men’s clothing among the peoples of the Caucasus – a single-breasted cloth caftan without a collar, ruffled at the waist, usually slightly below the knees; on the chest, there are nests for cartridges (gazyrs). It was borrowed by the Terek and Kuban Cossacks.
Note: The gazars are made in the amount of 8 pieces per side.
If desired, you can increase the number of gazyrnits, but in this case, they are made to fit the Mosin rifle cartridge case. Specify the possible quantity when ordering. Maximum quantity per side 16 pieces.
Double side frock coat (Russia 1860) (Сюртук – двубортный (Россия 1860г)) M1-090-U
$ 210.0 per itemOn the foto shown double side frock coat of an officer of the engineering corps.
Parade uniform for generals, headquarters and chief officers in army units of infantry, artillery and engineering troops, type M 1907\10 (Парадный мундир для генералов, штаб и обер-офицеров состоящих в армейских частях пехоты, артиллерии и инженерных войск, образец 1907 года) M1-071-U
$ 850.0 per itemEpaulets (shoulder straps), scarf are not included in the price of the product and must be ordered separately.
Shoulder board buttons included.
Set of clothes a sister of mercy (Комплект одежды сестры милосердия обр.3) M6-175-U
$ 189.0 per itemManufactured according to individual customer sizes. The set includes – apostolnik, dress, apron.
Single-breasted uniform of the lower ranks of the army foot troops, model 1874 (Мундир однобортный нижних чинов армейских пеших войск образца 1874 года) M1-103-U
$ 120.0 per itemSingle-breasted uniform of the lower ranks of the army foot troops, model 1874 (except for Grenadier units and hospital commands) introduced by Orders of the Minister of War No. 137 of 05.04.1874 and 237 of 08.17.1874.
Shoulder straps and collar tabs are not included in the price.
Summer bloomers for the lower ranks of the infantry arr. 1915 (Шаровары летние для нижних чинов пехоты обр.1915 г.) M1-020-Ug
$ 63.0 per itemOlive cotton fabric
Summer white shirt. Russia, civil war (Летняя белая рубашка. Россия, гражданская война) M1-017-Ub
$ 65.0 per itemShevron included in the price.
Tunic of the of the border guard. Brigades of the European and Asian part of Russia, 1911. (Мундир отдельного корпуса пограничной стражи. Бригады Европейской и Азиатской части России 1911 год) M1-101-U
$ 210.0 per itemThe photo shows the uniform of a horse patrol officer of the 9 th Lomzhinsky border brigade
Field tunic Pattern 1907 (for Infantry Officer) (Китель офицерский походный обр. 1907 г. (для пехоты)) M1-083-U
$ 160.0 per itemTunic made of olive-colored worsted fabric, lined with cotton. Semi-wool fabric, double diagonal.
Officer ‘s cloth jacket (French) (Фрэнч суконный офицерский) M1-081-U
$ 175.0 per itemOne of the samples of the jacket used first by officers of the Russian Imperial Army, and then by officers of the White movement. French is a jacket named by British Field Marshal John Denton French. Their distinctive feature was – a soft turn-down, or soft stand-up collar with a button fastening; cuff width adjustable with tabs or split cuffs, large patch pockets on the chest and hem with button closure. Among the aviators were popular jackets of the English officer type – with an open collar for wearing with a shirt and tie.
Chevrons and shoulder straps are not included in the price.
Officer ‘s half – wool jacket (French) (Френч полушерстяной офицерский) M1-084-U
$ 180.0 per itemOne of the samples of the jacket used first by the officers of the Russian Imperial Army, and then by the officers of the White movement. French is a jacket named after British Field Marshal John Denton French. Their distinctive feature was – a soft turn-down, or soft stand-up collar with a fastener; cuff width adjustable with straps or split cuffs, large patch pockets on the chest and hem with button closure. Among aviators, French officer-style jackets were popular – with an open collar for wearing with a shirt and tie. Chevrons and shoulder straps are not included in the price.
Tunic (Gimnasterka) for lower ranks (Infantry) Pattern 1912 (Рубаха гимнастическая летняя для нижних чинов пехоты обр. 1912 г.) M1-003-Ug
$ 63.0 per itemOlive cotton fabric
Tunic (Gimnasterka) summer, non regulation Pattern 1914-1917 (Рубаха гимнастическая летняя неуставного образца 1914-17 г. г.) M1-017-Ug
$ 63.0 per itemOlive cotton fabric
Tunic of an employee of the postal and telegraph department of the Russian Empire (Тужурка служащего почтово-телеграфного ведомства Российской Империи) M1-080-U
$ 195.0 per itemThe price includes emblems, buttons. We produce according to the individual dimensions of the customer.
Peacetime coat (Пальто мирного времени) M1-064-U
$ 245.0 per itemThe officer’s cloak (coat) was first introduced in the second half of the 19th century and practically did not change until 1917. The coat has been used as an outer garment in all types of forms.
Сollar tabs, buttons for collar tabs and for shoulder straps are included in the price of the product. Shoulder straps are not included in the price of the product.
Bekesha (fur black / black cloth) (Бекеша) M1-057-U
$ 399.0 per itemBekesha ( from Hungarian Bekes) Old style long coat of tunic style or Fur jacket cut at the waste with folds and riding slit in the back (can be also made without the riding slit) Hungarian kaftan with cords. Bekesha was a non regulation form of dress for Officers of Russian Cavalry and later Winter Jacket for Imperial Army.Upon request of the client, we can make Bekesha of different color with black Karacul fur trim.
Bekesha (fur gray / black cloth) (Бекеша) M1-041-U
$ 399.0 per itemBekesha ( from Hungarian Bekes) Old style long coat of tunic style or Fur jacket cut at the waste with folds and riding slit in the back (can be also made without the riding slit) Hungarian kaftan with cords. Bekesha was a non regulation form of dress for Officers of Russian Cavalry and later Winter Jacket for Imperial Army. Upon request of the client, we can make Bekesha of different color with black Karacul fur trim.
Bekesha (fur gray / cloth dark blue) (Бекеша) M1-039-U
$ 399.0 per itemBekesha ( from Hungarian Bekes) Old style long coat of tunic style or Fur jacket cut at the waste with folds and riding slit in the back (can be also made without the riding slit) Hungarian kaftan with cords. Bekesha was a non regulation form of dress for Officers of Russian Cavalry and later Winter Jacket for Imperial Army. Upon request of the client, we can make Bekesha of different color with black Karacul fur trim.
Bekesha (fur gray / cloth gray) (Бекеша) M1-026-U
$ 399.0 per itemBekesha ( from Hungarian Bekes) Old style long coat of tunic style or Fur jacket cut at the waste with folds and riding slit in the back (can be also made without the riding slit) Hungarian kaftan with cords. Bekesha was a non regulation form of dress for Officers of Russian Cavalry and later Winter Jacket for Imperial Army. Upon request of the client, we can make Bekesha of different color with black Karacul fur trim.
Bekesha (fur is gray / gray cloth greatcoat) (Бекеша) M1-038-U
$ 399.0 per itemBekesha ( from Hungarian Bekes) Old style long coat of tunic style or Fur jacket cut at the waste with folds and riding slit in the back (can be also made without the riding slit) Hungarian kaftan with cords. Bekesha was a non regulation form of dress for Officers of Russian Cavalry and later Winter Jacket for Imperial Army. Upon request of the client, we can make Bekesha of different color with black Karacul fur trim.