Dear Customer!

Thank you for visiting our site. We want you to be comfortable using our site, including that you receive timely messages from us. Unfortunately, many of our letters, at the moment, fall into spam. Therefore, if you expect a letter from us and don’t see it, check the “Spam” folder of your mailbox. It should be there. If you still have not received the expected letter, please contact us through the feedback form, which is located at the bottom of the pages of our website or in the About company section.

In order to timely see our letters in your inbox, we recommend that you configure a filter in your mail service. We can consider this using the example of setting up the Gmail mail service.
1. Go to your Gmail mail account
2. Click on the ⚙ gear in the upper right corner and select the "Settings" item
3. Select the item “Filters and Blocked Addresses”
4. Select the item “Create a new filter”
5. In the field “From” write
6. Click “Create Filter”
7. In the window that opens, we recommend that you tick “Mark”, then incoming messages from us will be marked with a colored star. You can also check “Apply shortcut” and select a shortcut from existing ones or create a new one, for example, “Schusters” or another convenient for you.
8. Be sure to check “Never send to spam”
9. Click the “Create Filter” button

All! Now letters from any addresses will be visible to you and you will be timely informed of their orders

Order tracking

We do not indicate your order status on the site due to the laborious nature of this process and have found for your operative information, it seems to us, a good enough substitute.
We will post and update twice or three times a week the status of your orders for the last few months. Using the provided data you will be able to observe the process of readiness of your order from 0 to 100% and its further progress on the status until the moment of sending with the publication of the track code.
In order to know the status of your current orders you need:

  • Go to the "Order readiness and status" tab and see what each status means
  • Go to the tab "Search for orders" and find your order by its number, using the search built into the table
wdt_ID Type-Date Type-Status Translate Description
1 Дата #1 Date #1 This is the date of the preliminary readiness of your order, taking into account the queue in production, and the goods in stock. You can use it to navigate when we plan to manufacture, check, assemble and pack it for shipment.
2 Дата #1 нет отбора no goods collected This is the order status, which means that the order has been accepted for production, but it was not possible to collect goods from the warehouse for your order and all goods will be manufactured according to the queue in production.
3 Дата #1 0,01-99,99% Shows the readiness level of your order from 0 to 100%. Note that there are features when calculating percentages, depending on the composition of the order. Interest is based on the quantity of goods in the order, not their volume or value.
4 - - So, for example, if you ordered 10 items, of which 9 buttons are assembled from a warehouse and one tunic that needs to be sewn, then the degree of readiness will be 90%, and the tunic will be 10% of the finished products.
5 Дата #1 100 % This means that all the goods of your order are manufactured and assembled. Further monitoring of the order status is done by means of an additional line having Date, Your order number and one of the text status.
6 Дата #2 Date #2 This is the date when a particular status was set. It may vary depending on the timing of each of the stages from manufacture to shipment or receipt by the Client in the office.
7 Дата #2 Ждёт ДоЗаказ Expects next Order This means that this order is ready, but will be sent with other orders when they are made. Most likely, this is your wish, which you told the manager to make at checkout. Often an additional order is marked with the sign "~", for example, 11122~ k 11220.
8 Дата #2 Собран на Упаковку Assembled for Packing It means that all the goods according to your order have been collected and will be checked for quantity and conformity within one or two working days.
9 - - - If there are no questions and permission for the next step will be received, he will receive the status: "Order is packed", otherwise the order will continue to be with the status of "Assembled for packing" until the elimination of the deficiencies.
10 Дата #2 Упакован Order is packed This means that your order has passed all the stages, is packed in a warehouse and is ready to be sent to a transport or postal company. It may take several business days.
11 Дата #2 Отправлен Клиенту Sent to сlient It means that your order has been successfully sent and you need to wait for the parcel to arrive for you at the post office, delivery point or other places designated for receiving such parcels.
12 - - - You can track the movement of your parcel using the track number of your order in an application or website convenient for you for tracking shipments, or follow our track link.
13 Дата #2 Получен Клиентом Received by client Means that the order was received by you personally or given to your representative in the company office.
14 Трек код Track code Assigned by the postal service or transportation company when sending your order.
15 Трек ссылка Track link You can track the movement of the parcel with your order by clicking on the link provided. If you do not see any movement of the parcel, try using the track number in other services to track parcels.

Use the «Search» field to find your orders

реестр заказов (order list) с 02-12-2024 по 28-03-2025

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at order-number shipment-date status tracking-code tracking-link
246699 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 49495 04 Dec 2024 100 %
246700 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 192 19 Dec 2024 100 %
246701 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 49487 20 Dec 2024 100 %
246702 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 48373 02 Dec 2024 Отправлен Клиенту CP067393525BY
246703 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 BochDm 28 Mar 2025 15:52 49480 24 Dec 2024 100 %

A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address.

Your personal data will be used to simplify your work with the site, control access to your account and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

Registering for this site allows you to access your order status and history. Just fill in the fields below, and we'll get a new account set up for you in no time. We will only ask you for information necessary to make the purchase process faster and easier.