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Field officer’s tunic M1915 (Полевой офицерский мундир М1915) M2-031-U

$ 190.0 per item

Embroidered buttonholes and shoulder straps ARE NOT included in the price.

Hussar officer’s (GALA HOSEN) dress breeches (Гусарские офицерские парадные бриджи) M2-041-U

$ 250.0 per item

These breeches are made according to the client’s individual order. It is possible to produce breeches from other regiments. All details and price can be agreed upon with our manager.

M 1910 Officer Field tunic Of the Prussian Landwehr Cavalry (Офицерский полевой мундир М 1910 офицера прусской кавалерии ландвера) M2-026-U

$ 290.0 per item

M 1910 Field  Tunic  for a “Rittmeister” of the Prussian Landwehr Cavalry – The Landwehr cavalry officer, field tunic exactly  like their blue peacetime uniform. It had a stand-up collar and polish cuffs with a border of patterned field-grey braid and piped edge. This piping formed a 7 cm knot below the button. The edging was poppy-red. The gold plated numbers of the army corps and the appropriate colored base for the shoulder-pieces are missing from this tunic. (Jurgen Kraus, “The German Army in the First World war” )

Peacetime (Friedens) Waffenrock for officer M1915 (Китель повседневный мирного времени М1915) M2-033-U

$ 1'500.0 per item

The photo shows the tunic of an officer of the 5th Guards Grenadier Regiment. Embroidery with silver metallic thread is done by hand. It is also possible to produce a uniform according to the client’s order; all details, including the price, can be clarified with the manager.

Peacetime officer’s coat (Офицерское пальто мирного времени) М2-027-U

$ 390.0 per item

The officer,s overcoat or “Paletot” was made of light-grey  wool or a similar high-quality fabric, and had  two rows of silver or gold plated  buttons. The upper side of the collar was the same color as the peacetime tunic, e.g. dark-blue for the infantry, and the underside took the colour of the tunic collar, e.g. poppy red for the infantry.

This coat is custom made with detachable beaver fur collar

Source link: Jurgen Kraus. The German Army in the First World War.

M15 Prussian universal coat (Preußischer Universal mantel) for officers. Eastern front. (Прусское универсальное пальто (Preußischer Universal mantel ) для офицеров. Восточный фронт. 1915 г.) M2-024-U

$ 250.0 per item

After the experience of the first bitterly cold winter of the was, a universal overcoat was introduced that was to provide soldiers with the protection they so desperately needed. This robust field coat was, like the field jacket, completely unadorned and was worn by both officers and privates.

The officers overcoat was supposed to follow the cut and color of the troop,s model exactly, removing the differences that had previously been so clearly visible. Apart from the superior cloth used, there were sligth variation allowed, for instance the narrower cut of the officers model, which did not have the wide pleat in the back. The long slit at the back was fastened with metal buttons. Sometimes officers buttons would be also be gold or silver-plated.

Source link: Jurgen Kraus. The German Army in the First World War.

Buttons for shoulder boards included. Shoulder straps are not included in the price.

M1910 field – grey tunic (volunteer, private) of the Royal Prussian Cuirasser Regiment “Kaizer Nikolaus I von Russlan” (Branderburg) no. 6 (Мундир полевой М1910 солдат кирасирских полков (Feld-Grey Tunic M1910)) M2-016-U

$ 290.0 per item

This Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications. Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.

Shoulder boards are not included.

Vereinfachter Feldrock M15 für Offiziere (with stitched cuffs) (Упрощенный Feldrock для офицеров M15 (c настрочными обшлагами)) M2-023-U

$ 190.0 per item

This sample of the field jacket began to be gradually introduced into the troops of 1915 to replace the previous models. In production, a new type of cloth was used, which is cheaper in production, and the Blouse is also more simplified in sewing and it lacks the number of buttons that were sewn earlier, which affected its cost and the time spent on sewing.

  1. The product comes with shoulder buttons.
  2. Shoulder straps are not included with the product.

Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.

EM/NCO’S M1894 GREATCOAT (Шинель солдатская М1894) M2-007-U

$ 210.0 per item

Includes sew buttonholes in the collar.

Made from gray cloth. Min 75% clean wool.

EM/NCO’S M1915 GREATCOAT (Шинель солдатская М1915) M2-012-U

$ 189.0 per item

Buttons for shoulder boards included.

Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.

FELDBLUSE M1915 (Bayern) (Куртка полевая обр. 1915/16 г. (Бавария)) M2-014-U

$ 169.0 per item

This type feldbluzy was developed specifically for the German soldiers of Bavaria. A distinctive feature of the jacket, in contrast to such a combined arms jacket, a collar which was made in the color of his jacket with sewn on the edges of the Bavarian braid stripes. On the first models still sew on buttons and rear hook with lions mirror staring at each other, making it expensive to produce. But later, due to the transition of Germany’s savings, on 21 March 1916 in the Bavarian feldbluzy started to put buttons and hooks combined arms. Shoulder boards buttons not included.

Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.

Feldbluse M1915 (Куртка полевая обр. 1915 года. ) M2-005-U

$ 169.0 per item

This sample field jacket started to gradually enter into force in the autumn of 1915 replaced previous models. Blouse more simplified in the making and it is not the number of buttons which are sewn before, which resulted in cost and time spent on tailoring.

Shoulder straps are not included in the price

Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.

Field tunic for soldiers of artillery units M1913 (Китель полевой для солдат артиллерийских частей M1913) M2-022-U

$ 189.0 per item

This Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications. This tunic was also used in special forces as sappers or telephone operators. When used in sapper units, the jacket had silver buttons.

Jaegers field jacket M1913 (Китель полевой для солдат егерских частей M1913) M2-021-U

$ 205.0 per item

This Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications.

  • Shoulder board included in the price
  • Note regiment,s number when you placing the order

M1913 field blouse (Китель полевой для солдат М1913) M2-004-U

$ 189.0 per item

This Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications.

M1914 field blouse (Китель полевой для солдат M1914 (Feldbluse M1914)) M2-017-U

$ 189.0 per item

This Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications.

Rider’s breeches M1908 (Бриджи кавалерийские M1908) M2-015-U

$ 210.0 per item

Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.