Model 1916 gas mask tank (Противогазный бак модели 1916 года) M2-059-S
$ 47.0 per itemIn June 1916, the first box was introduced for carrying the gas mask with the filter attached. It was a tin around 15.5 cm high, and painted in field gray with a snap-on lid. The box was suspended on a belt-strap around the neck ready for use, and could also be attached to a tunic button with a small loop in the back.
Model 1917 gas mask tank (Противогазный бак модели 1917 года) M2-060-S
$ 47.0 per itemBox was introduced with the gas mask 17 in June 1917. It was a little higher than the old model and had an extra metal clip to fasten the lid. It also had an extra compartment in the lid for spare lenses, which could be stored behind a metal clip.
Steel breastplate (Grabenpanzer) Kaiser’s army. (Стальной нагрудник (Grabenpanzer) кайзеровская армия) M2-058-S
$ 225.0 per itemWeight 7 kg
Delivery to EU and UK not avaliable
Officers whistle (Свисток командирский) M1-050-S
$ 10.0 per itemWhistle was used to give signal commanding units in combat and located in a leather pocket on the strap of the field belt.
BELT LOOP STRAP WITH D RING (Вспомогательная петля) M2-016-S
$ 5.0 per itemThe main purpose of the loops to be able to pick up chrezplechnye “Y” straps support when the pouches are not put on the belt. It is also used to wear on the belt in the field jar when kaolin bag is not attached.
BELT LOOP STRAP WITH D RING (Петля вспомогательная) M2-015-S
$ 5.0 per itemThe main purpose of the loops to be able to pick up chrezplechnye “Y” straps support when the pouches are not put on the belt. It is also used to wear on the belt in the field jar when kaolin bag is not attached.
Chatelain (watch chain) (Шатлен) M1-057-S
$ 10.0 per itemChatelain is a thin chain for a watch, compass, whistles or other small objects. They were sometimes made from gold or silver as well as brass or steel.
Chatelain (watch chain) (Шатлен) M8-008-G
$ 10.0 per itemChatelain is a thin chain for a watch, compass, whistles or other small objects. They were sometimes made from gold or silver as well as brass or steel.
Chatelain (watch chain) (Шатлен) M8-009-G
$ 10.0 per itemChatelain is a thin chain for a watch, compass, whistles or other small objects. They were sometimes made from gold or silver as well as brass or steel.
Compass (Компас) M1-052-S
$ 15.0 per itemReplicated from the original. Compass needle shows exact North
M1909 AMMO POUCH (Ersatz) (Эрзац-сумка патронная обр. 1909 г. ) M2-055-S
$ 39.0 per itemErsatz – version of the cartridge bag of the First World War. It is a product made of “split” (a layer of natural leather, obtained in the process of tannery production after removal of the face layer), produced in order to save raw materials.
Officers whistle (Свисток командирский) M2-032-S
$ 10.0 per itemWhistle was used to give signal commanding units in combat and located in a leather pocket on the strap of the field belt.Exact copy of American Whistle (Echo) with an extremely shrill sound. Was sold in Military stores for Officers along with other equipment.
Saddlebags for bowler (kochgeschirrfutteral) (Седельная сумка для котелка) M2-053-S
$ 45.0 per itemThe bag is designed for storage and transportation of a personal cavalry bowler.
Suspension for broadsword (sabeltragevorrichtung) (Седельный подвес для палаша) M2-054-S
$ 25.0 per itemLeather pendant with which the sword was attached to a cavalry saddle.