Showing 1–36 of 77 results

Badge of the Polish division named Kosciuszko (Кокарда Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-001-F

$ 20.0 per item

The place of the formation of the division was selected Seletskii military camp near Ryazan. The division commander was appointed Colonel Zygmunt Berling. The structure of the division includes 1, 2, 3rd infantry regiments, the 1st Regiment of Light Artillery, 1st Tank Regiment, battalion antitank artillery battalion of them women. E. Plater and a squadron of fighter aircraft. After three months of training on July 15, 1943, the anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald, the 1st Division took the oath and received the flag.

Cockade on the hat military commanders railway sections (Знак ВОСО на фуражку военных комендантов железнодорожных участков) M3-024-F

$ 15.0 per item

Badge introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defense number 223 of May 18, 1943. Sewn to the crown under the cap piping.

Kuban cap commanders Kuban Cossack units M 1936 (Кубанка комначсостава кубанских казачьих частей обр. 1936 г. ) M3-001-G

$ 70.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR number 67 of 23 April 1936. Canceled orders Commissar of Defense of the USSR № 005 of February 1, 1941, but was used until the end of the war.

Kuban cap commanders Terek Cossack units M 1936 (Кубанка комначсостава терских казачьих частей обр. 1936 г. ) M3-031-G

$ 70.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR number 67 of 23 April 1936.Canceled orders Commissar of Defense of the USSR № 005 of February 1, 1941, but was used until the end of the war.

Cockade (star) included.

Kuban cap soldiers Kuban Cossack units M 1936 (Кубанка рядового состава кубанских казачьих частей обр. 1936 г. ) M3-007-G

$ 70.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR number 67 of 23 April 1936.Canceled orders Commissar of Defense of the USSR № 005 of February 1, 1941, but was used until the end of the war.

Kuban cap soldiers Terek Cossack units M 1936 (Кубанка рядового состава терских казачьих частей обр. 1936 г. ) M3-011-G

$ 70.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR number 67 of 23 April 1936.Canceled orders Commissar of Defense of the USSR № 005 of February 1, 1941, but was used until the end of the war.

Medical mask (Маска медицинская) M3-087-G

$ 5.0 per item

Mask for the medical staff of the hospital.

Papakha commanders of the Don Cossack units M 1936 (Папаха комначсостава Донских казачьих частей обр. 1936 г. ) M3-069-G

$ 80.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR number 67 of 23 April 1936.Canceled orders Commissar of Defense of the USSR № 005 of February 1, 1941, but was used until the end of the war.Cockade (star) included.

Papakha soldier Don Cossack units M1936 (Папаха рядового состава Донских казачьих частей обр. 1936 г. ) M3-068-G

$ 80.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR number 67 of 23 April 1936. Canceled orders Commissar of Defense of the USSR № 005 of February 1, 1941, but was used until the end of the war.

Rogatyvka to the Polish military division named Kosciuszko (Рогатувка для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-007-G

$ 25.0 per item

The 1st Infantry Division of the Polish Warsaw Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1 Polska Dywizja Piechoty im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) – was formed in 1943 in the USSR, the activists of the “Union of Polish Patriots” of Polish citizens and citizens of the USSR – Polish origin.