Showing 37–72 of 78 results

Rogatyvka to the Polish military division named Kosciuszko (Рогатувка для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-007-G

$ 25.0 per item

The 1st Infantry Division of the Polish Warsaw Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1 Polska Dywizja Piechoty im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) – was formed in 1943 in the USSR, the activists of the “Union of Polish Patriots” of Polish citizens and citizens of the USSR – Polish origin.

Souvenir tank helmet (Сувенирный танковый шлем) M8-041-G

$ 10.0 per item

Reduced copy of a tank helmet arr. 1936Dimensions: 5x7x6 cm

Visor cap M1940 for generals (Фуражка повседневная для генералов обр. 1940 г) M3-074-G

$ 90.0 per item

Introduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR № 212 from July 13, 1940.

Winter cap (Ushanka) M1940 (Шапка-ушанка обр. 1940 г. (серая байка)) M3-091-G

$ 49.0 per item

Winter head-dress which was used soldiers of the Red Army.

WINTER CAP (USHANKA) M1940 for commanders (Шапка-ушанка обр. 1940 г. (натуральный каракуль)) M3-061-G

$ 75.0 per item

Fur cap for the top, middle and senior commanders is made of wool and fur gray. Higher, senior and middle commanders are allowed to sew caps for his account of natural gray karakul lamb.