Showing 1–36 of 135 results

MUG (green) (Кружка (зеленая)) M3-002-R

$ 7.0 per item

Original soldier mug

WATER BOTTLE (Фляга солдатская) M3-025-S

$ 25.0 per item

The original flask in excellent condition

MESS KIT M1936 (Котелок для приема пищи M1936) M3-030-S

$ 35.0 per item

The original pot for soldiers eating food

Officers whistle (Свисток командирский) M1-050-S

$ 10.0 per item

Whistle was used to give signal commanding units in combat and located in a leather pocket on the strap of the field belt.

Portioned bags (Порционные мешки) M3-007-R

$ 10.0 per set

Each soldier and commander of the Red Army relied set portioned bags hosted an emergency ration of food. Packed Lunches hovered in the knapsack or grocery bags.