Gas mask belt (Ремень к противогазному баку) M4-097-S
$ 40.0 per itemThe strap to the gas mask tank is made of cotton tape, the original hook and buckle is inserted
Waterbag (Брезентовое ведро для воды) M4-098-S
$ 75.0 per itemBuckets of this type were used by German tankers and motorists due to their compactness when stored when folded.
Y straps M39 Koppeltragegestell (early type) (Y разгрузка M39 Koppeltragegestell (ранний тип)) M4-096-S
$ 130.0 per itemThe original strap found on the territory of the Republic of Belarus used as a sample. The straps are sewn with the correct natural color, unbleached waxed linen thread. Fitted with original large original hooks. At the moment, one of the best replicas on the market.
Officer’s belt, model 1934 without shoulder strap (Офицерский ремень образца 1934 года без плечевого ремня) M4-092-S
$ 39.0 per itemFrom the end of 1939, senior officers of the army in the field were banned from wearing a shoulder strap, and soon this locked extended to all officers of the combat unit.
Officers whistle (Свисток командирский) M1-050-S
$ 10.0 per itemWhistle was used to give signal commanding units in combat and located in a leather pocket on the strap of the field belt.
ANTI-GAS CAPE POUCH (Чехол для противоипритной накидки (Gasplane auf Beutel)) M4-016-S
$ 19.0 per itemBag worn on the chest strap on chresplechnom protivogaznogo case. More often it is attached to the pouch protivogaznomu rubber bands or leather strap.
ANTI-GAS CAPE POUCH (Чехол для противоипритной накидки (прорезиненный) (Gasplane auf Beutel)) M4-039-S
$ 19.0 per itemCover and trusted each soldier is carrying anti-gas cape that protects a person from spraying toxic agents (mustard gas), affecting the skin. Shroud had dimensions 2H1.2 m, are made of various materials of different colors, including rubber, viscose or nylon fabric.
ARTILLERY RUCKSACK (Артиллерийский рюкзак (Rucksack fur Artillerie)) M4-014-S
$ 75.0 per itemIt was introduced in February 1940 for the calculation of foot artillery, replacing a backpack obr.1934 These backpacks also issued small quantities of infantry and other units, especially on the Eastern Front and North Africa.
Bags for personal items (Мешки для личных вещей) M4-067-S
$ 15.0 per setFour bags for personal items soldiers with dimensions: 38H49; 46H69; 19h60; 10h14.
BELT LOOP STRAP WITH D RING (Петля вспомогательная) M2-015-S
$ 5.0 per itemThe main purpose of the loops to be able to pick up chrezplechnye “Y” straps support when the pouches are not put on the belt. It is also used to wear on the belt in the field jar when kaolin bag is not attached.
BELT SYSTEM FOR MEDICAL FLASK (Подвесная система к литровой фляге обр. 1) M4-030-S
$ 35.0 per itemThis suspension system used in the German army to carry liter flasks.
BELT SYSTEM FOR MEDICAL FLASK (Подвесная система к литровой фляге обр. 2) M4-090-S
$ 40.0 per itemThis suspension system used in the German army to carry liter flasks.
Chatelain (watch chain) (Шатлен) M1-057-S
$ 10.0 per itemChatelain is a thin chain for a watch, compass, whistles or other small objects. They were sometimes made from gold or silver as well as brass or steel.
Chatelain (watch chain) (Шатлен) M8-008-G
$ 10.0 per itemChatelain is a thin chain for a watch, compass, whistles or other small objects. They were sometimes made from gold or silver as well as brass or steel.
Chatelain (watch chain) (Шатлен) M8-009-G
$ 10.0 per itemChatelain is a thin chain for a watch, compass, whistles or other small objects. They were sometimes made from gold or silver as well as brass or steel.
COMBAT ASSAULT PACK A-FRAME (Рама боевого ранца (Gurtbandtragegerust)) M4-021-S
$ 45.0 per itemKnapsack innovative light system, introduced in April 1939 with the support straps. Satchels prednazanachalis only for personnel infantry rifle companies.
COMBAT ASSAULT PACK A-FRAME BAG (Сумка для боевого ранца (Beutel zum Gefechtgepack)) M4-022-S
$ 20.0 per itemBag used to carry: shirts, towels, cleaning kit weapons, cans of food fats, folding field tiles etc.
COMBAT RUCKSACK (Боевой рюкзак ( Kampf Rucksacken)) M4-085-S
$ 95.0 per itemAt the end of 1941, due to the fact that soldiers and mountain riflemen on the Eastern Front and North Africa need to have with you extra clothes and food, infantry units began to issue combat backpacks instead of backpacks obr.1934 / 1939 This type of equipment manufactured by the company before the war that made tourist and sports models of backpacks for peaceful purposes. But with the beginning of the war, these companies have been forced to move production of military products. This backpack model has been developed for fastening it to the infantry supporting belts. But there are other models, as produced by different factories and they were not developed a single design.
Compass (Компас) M1-052-S
$ 15.0 per itemReplicated from the original. Compass needle shows exact North
EM/NCO’S CLOTHING BAG (Сумка для одежды обр. 1931г. (Bekleidungssack 31)) M4-052-S
$ 35.0 per itemEvery soldier fighting unit with knapsack get one bag of clothes. Those who served in the rear and backpacks did not get issued two such bags.