Compass (Компас) M1-052-S
$ 15.0 per itemReplicated from the original. Compass needle shows exact North
Cover for Pickelhaube (Чехол на пикельхельм) M2-003-G
$ 20.0 per itemPlease write the number of regiment that you need in note
EM/NCO’S M1894 GREATCOAT (Шинель солдатская М1894) M2-007-U
$ 210.0 per itemIncludes sew buttonholes in the collar.
Made from gray cloth. Min 75% clean wool.
EM/NCO’S M1915 GREATCOAT (Шинель солдатская М1915) M2-012-U
$ 189.0 per itemButtons for shoulder boards included.
Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.
FELDBLUSE M1915 (Bayern) (Куртка полевая обр. 1915/16 г. (Бавария)) M2-014-U
$ 169.0 per itemThis type feldbluzy was developed specifically for the German soldiers of Bavaria. A distinctive feature of the jacket, in contrast to such a combined arms jacket, a collar which was made in the color of his jacket with sewn on the edges of the Bavarian braid stripes. On the first models still sew on buttons and rear hook with lions mirror staring at each other, making it expensive to produce. But later, due to the transition of Germany’s savings, on 21 March 1916 in the Bavarian feldbluzy started to put buttons and hooks combined arms. Shoulder boards buttons not included.
Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.
Feldbluse M1915 (Куртка полевая обр. 1915 года. ) M2-005-U
$ 169.0 per itemThis sample field jacket started to gradually enter into force in the autumn of 1915 replaced previous models. Blouse more simplified in the making and it is not the number of buttons which are sewn before, which resulted in cost and time spent on tailoring.
Shoulder straps are not included in the price
Made from ligth fieldgray wool. Min 75% clean wool.
Field tunic for soldiers of artillery units M1913 (Китель полевой для солдат артиллерийских частей M1913) M2-022-U
$ 189.0 per itemThis Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications. This tunic was also used in special forces as sappers or telephone operators. When used in sapper units, the jacket had silver buttons.
Galloon (Bayern) (Галун Баварский) M2-015-Z
$ 10.0 per meterDesigned for skin tunic collars military Bavarian lands that were part of the German army.
Greatcoat Cavalry and Horse Artillery (Шинель для кавалерии и конной артиллерии. ) M2-013-U
$ 210.0 per itemIncludes tabs.
Jaegers field jacket M1913 (Китель полевой для солдат егерских частей M1913) M2-021-U
$ 205.0 per itemThis Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications.
- Shoulder board included in the price
- Note regiment,s number when you placing the order
M1894 BUTTON TO COAT (White) (Пуговица к шинели М 1894 (белая)) M2-001-F
$ 2.0 per itemButton diameter 21 mm.
White shoulderboard button to coat M1894 (Пуговица погонная к шинели М 1894 (белая)) M2-2571-F
$ 2.0 per pairButton diameter 17 mm.
M1894 BUTTON TO COAT (Yellow) (Пуговица к шинели М 1894 (желтая)) M2-012-F
$ 2.0 per itemThe diameter of 24 mm buttons.
M1907/10 EM/NCO’S FIELD CAP (Полевая шапка (пехота)) M2-004-G
$ 20.0 per itemWe make hats of any regiment. Desired color edges disclosed in the notes when ordering.
M1907/10 JAGER BATTALION EM/NCO’S FIELD CAP (Полевая шапка (егерская)) M2-005-G
$ 20.0 per itemWe make hats of any regiment. Desired color edges disclosed in the notes when ordering.
M1909 AMMO POUCH (Ersatz) (Эрзац-сумка патронная обр. 1909 г. ) M2-055-S
$ 39.0 per itemErsatz – version of the cartridge bag of the First World War. It is a product made of “split” (a layer of natural leather, obtained in the process of tannery production after removal of the face layer), produced in order to save raw materials.
M1913 field blouse (Китель полевой для солдат М1913) M2-004-U
$ 189.0 per itemThis Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications.
M1914 field blouse (Китель полевой для солдат M1914 (Feldbluse M1914)) M2-017-U
$ 189.0 per itemThis Tunic is made in accordance with technical drawings of the period. Hand made to the customers size and specifications.
M1914 WOOL TROUSERS FOR FIELD UNIFORMS (Брюки полевые М1914 (без канта)) M2-003-U
$ 89.0 per itemIn this model, there is no edge in the trouser side seam.