Showing 37–72 of 73 results

Panzer blouse M1936 (Куртка бронетанковых войск М1936) M4-087-U

$ 100.0 per item

This model of the tank jacket was modified in 1936 from the previous model of the 1934 model. The difference is the addition of buttons on the starboard side, which can be buttoned on the left side in cold weather jackets.

A shirt,a tie and shoulder straps are not included in the cost of the product.

Stola chaplain (Стола военного священника) M4-093-U

$ 35.0 per item

Stola – an element of liturgical vestments of the Catholic (and Lutheran) cleric. Worn on top of Alba, or under the dalmatic vestments.

TROPICAL SHORT PANTS (Шорты тропические M41 (Tropen Kurze Hosen)) M4-075-U

$ 50.0 per item

Tropical shorts were introduced in early 1941 for soldiers of the Afrika Korps.

Trousers summer M1943 (Drillich) (Брюки М1943 (дрилих)) M4-099-U

$ 80.0 per item

Изделие пошито, с примeнением ручных операций, утюжки, и прочих усложняющих элементов.

Underpants (Трусы) M4-080-U

$ 10.0 per item