Patch “for the destroyed tank of the 2nd degree” (Нарукавный знак «за уничтоженный танк 2 ой степени») M4-2612-Z
$ 13.0 per itemThe badge was established on March 9, 1942 to reward military personnel who destroyed an enemy tank or other armored vehicles in battle with hand weapons (a grenade, a magnetic mine, a flamethrower, an explosive charge, etc.; later – a Faustpatron). Artillerymen and tank crew or who worked with heavy weapons could not to be award badge.
SS parts sleeve tape (Лента нарукавная частей СС) M4-2529-Z
$ 6.0 per itemDear customers, when ordering, please indicate the product code and the name of the tape.
Großdeutschland – out of stock
“HERMANN GÖRING” UNIT EM’S CUFFTITLE (Лента нарукавная (Герман Геринг) обр. 2) M4-148-Z
$ 10.0 per itemWith this type tape appeared in 1943, presumably to the newly formed Panzer Division “Hermann Goering” .This sample of embroidered silk.
ARTIFICER’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак фейерверкера) M4-179-Z
$ 5.0 per itemIn order to release military personnel performing certain tasks, a special system has been developed chevrons. Wearing their supposed soldiers have certain skills or specialty and rank below the lieutenant.This chevron were pyrotechnics and artillery equipment on the right sleeve.
ARTILLERY SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста артиллерии) M4-155-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.
Bandage on a sleeve of the military medic (original) (Повязка санитара (оригинальная со склада)) M6-040-Z
$ 35.0 per itemOnly 3 pcs available.
CAMOUFLAGE SLEEVE RANK INSIGNIA (Tarnungs Dienstgradabzeichen) (Нарукавные знаки для камуфлированной униформы М1942) M4-185-Z
$ 5.0 per pairOn August 22ND 1942 the German army introduced a new system of camouflage sleeve rank insignia for wear by all NCO’s and Officer’s on clothing that normally wouldn’t display any rank insignia, such as, winter uniforms, wind blouses, fatigue blouses, athletic suits, tropical shirts, etc..We make every rank chevrons. Desired chevrons stipulate in the notes when ordering.
CAVALRY SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста кавалерии) M4-152-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.
CHAPLAIN ARMBAND (Повязка военного священника) M4-159-Z
$ 10.0 per itemChaplains worn on the left sleeve of his jacket, overcoat or the cassock.
COMBAT ENGINEER SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста саперных частей) M4-156-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.
$ 10.0 per itemThe inscription on the tape “Stab HSNH” (Heeres Schule für Nachrichten Helferinnen). She wore her female signaller and school faculty assistants-communication svyazistok. One such school is in Giessen, the second in Zossen.
DRK PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Шеврон DRK (Hoheitsabzeichen Armdreieck)) M4-107-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron embroidered machine sposobom.Shevron DRK was worn on top of the right sleeve uniforms. At the bottom of the chevron specified area from which the owner was called to the service.
GEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон ефрейтора (Gefreiter)) M4-023-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron, with lace on a dark green field, was inducted into the German army in 1921 and was originally designated the title – “the senior shooter.” From 1936 to 1945 he designated the title – “Corporal”.
GEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1944 (Шеврон ефрейтора обр. 1944 г. (Gefreiter)) M4-123-Z
$ 10.0 per itemhis chevron, with lace on the field of color “feldgrau” in the German army came to the middle of 1944, when the material resources of the country more and more exhausted. Often you can find the same color gefrayterskoy stripe with the color of his uniform, and Alluminum galloon is sometimes replaced by a light gray silk braid. This was done only because Exclusion desired fabric and braid.
Heer Trade Insignia Patch Qualified Farrier (Нарукавный знак работника кузницы) M4-181-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron was supposed to carry the soldiers working in the forge.
INFANTRY SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста пехоты) M4-151-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.
JÄGER’S SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста егерей) M4-154-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.
JÄGER’S SLEEVE BADGE (Нарукавный знак егерей обр. 1942 г. ) M4-129-Z
$ 6.0 per itemSewn on the right sleeve of his jacket or overcoat.
MEDICAL PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак санитара) M4-180-Z
$ 5.0 per itemIn order to release military personnel performing certain tasks, a special system has been developed chevrons. Wearing their supposed soldiers have certain skills or specialty and rank below the lieutenant.This chevron worn on the right sleeve orderlies.
MOUNTAIN TROOP SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста горных стрелков) M4-153-Z
$ 5.0 per itemChevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.
MOUNTAIN TROOP SLEEVE EDELWEISS (Нарукавный знак горных стрелков обр. 1939 г. ) M4-063-Z
$ 6.0 per itemSewn on the right sleeve of his jacket or overcoat.
MOUNTAIN TROOP’S SLEEVE EDELWEISS (Нарукавный знак горных стрелков в частях СС) M4-090-Z
$ 6.0 per itemSewn on the right sleeve of his jacket or overcoat.
OBERGEFREITER / STABSGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон штабс-ефрейтора (Stabsgefreiter)) M4-122-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron with lace and embroidered star on a dark green field, was inducted into the German army in 1921 and until 1942 designated the title – Stabsgefreiter (Staff Corporal). From 1942 to 1945 he designated the title – Obergefreiter (Obergefreiter) that is assigned to the soldiers who had seniority over 6 years.Staff positions corporal in the Wehrmacht was not. This title is usually given obergefrayteram having greater seniority (in peacetime, more than six years), but for whatever reason are not entitled to the title unterofitsir. Some historians, by analogy with an asterisk gefraytera old, and not finding in staffing regiments shtabsgefrayterskih posts mistakenly believe that the Wehrmacht was not shtabsgefrayter titles and two braid with an asterisk denote obergefraytera with great seniority. However, it is not. Rank shtabsgefrayter existed in the Wehrmacht. True met this title is not often because there was little reason to not assign an experienced obergefrayteru unterofitsirsky rank (illiteracy, politically unreliable). Sometimes the rank shtabsgefrayter lowered unterofitsirov who committed serious shortcomings in the service.
OBERGEFREITER / STABSGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1944 (Шеврон штабс-ефрейтора обр. 1944 г. (Stabsgefreiter)) M4-125-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron, with lace on the field of color “feldgrau” in the German army came to the middle of 1944, when the material resources of the country more and more exhausted. Often it was possible to meet the staff-color stripe gefrayterskoy the same with the color of his uniform, and Alluminum galloon is sometimes replaced by a light gray silk braid. This was done only because Exclusion desired fabric and braid.
OBERGEFREITER STABSGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1921 (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора обр. 1921 г. (Obergefreiter)) M4-024-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron, with lace on a dark green field, was inducted into the German army in 1921 and designated the title – “Obergefreiter” In 1936 was canceled.
OBERGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора (Obergefreiter)) M4-022-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron, with lace on a dark green field, was inducted into the German army in 1921 and was originally designated the title – “Corporal”. From 1936 to 1945 he designated the title – “Obergefreiter” that is assigned to the soldiers who had seniority of less than 6 years old.
OBERGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора (Obergefreiter)) M4-136-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron with lace and embroidered star on a dark green field, was inducted into the German army in 1936 and designated the title – “Obergefreiter” that is assigned to the soldiers who had seniority over 6 let.V 1942 abolished the chevron.
OBERGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1944 (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора обр. 1944 г. (Obergefreiter)) M4-124-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron, with lace on the field of color “feldgrau” in the German army came to the middle of 1944, when the material resources of the country more and more exhausted. Often it was possible to meet the chief gefrayterskoy color stripes with the same color of his uniform, and Alluminum galloon is sometimes replaced by a light gray silk braid. This was done only because Exclusion desired fabric and braid.
OBERGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1944 (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора обр. 1944 г. ) M4-183-Z
$ 10.0 per itemThis chevron, with lace on the field of color “feldgrau” in the German army came to the middle of 1944, when the material resources of the country more and more exhausted. Often it was possible to meet the staff-color stripe gefrayterskoy the same with the color of his uniform, and Alluminum galloon is sometimes replaced by a light gray silk braid. This was done only because Exclusion desired fabric and braid.Ask a question about this product Description