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Summer white shirt. Russia, civil war (Летняя белая рубашка. Россия, гражданская война) M1-017-Ub
$ 65.0 per itemShevron included in the price.
Officer ‘s cloth jacket (French) (Фрэнч суконный офицерский) M1-081-U
$ 175.0 per itemOne of the samples of the jacket used first by officers of the Russian Imperial Army, and then by officers of the White movement. French is a jacket named by British Field Marshal John Denton French. Their distinctive feature was – a soft turn-down, or soft stand-up collar with a button fastening; cuff width adjustable with tabs or split cuffs, large patch pockets on the chest and hem with button closure. Among the aviators were popular jackets of the English officer type – with an open collar for wearing with a shirt and tie.
Chevrons and shoulder straps are not included in the price.
Officer ‘s half – wool jacket (French) (Френч полушерстяной офицерский) M1-084-U
$ 180.0 per itemOne of the samples of the jacket used first by the officers of the Russian Imperial Army, and then by the officers of the White movement. French is a jacket named after British Field Marshal John Denton French. Their distinctive feature was – a soft turn-down, or soft stand-up collar with a fastener; cuff width adjustable with straps or split cuffs, large patch pockets on the chest and hem with button closure. Among aviators, French officer-style jackets were popular – with an open collar for wearing with a shirt and tie. Chevrons and shoulder straps are not included in the price.
French (Tunic) officer (Фрэнч офицерский) BA-005-U
$ 200.0 per itemThe photo shows a jacket with insignia of officer General Markov regiment
One of the samples of the jacket used first by officers of the Russian Imperial Army, and then by officers of the White movement. French is a jacket named by British Field Marshal John Denton French. Their distinctive feature was – a soft turn-down, or soft stand-up collar with a button fastening; cuff width adjustable with tabs or split cuffs, large patch pockets on the chest and hem with button closure. Among the aviators were popular jackets of the English officer type – with an open collar for wearing with a shirt and tie.
Chevrons and shoulder straps are not included in the price.
French officer (Kornilov Shock Division) (Фрэнч офицерский (Корниловская ударная дивизия)) BA-004-U
$ 160.0 per itemOne of the samples used tunic officers Kornilov shock regiment. The height of the cuffs, on request can be underestimated. Chevrons and straps are not included.