Showing 1–36 of 135 results

Undercollar (Подворотничок на гимнастерку) M3-120-U

$ 5.0 per item

Length – 50 cm. The collar is sewn to the uniform of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army.

Gimnasterka (cotton tunic) for lower ranks 1935. (Гимнастерка (рубаха хлопчатобумажная) для рядового состава обр. 1935 г. ) M3-010-U

$ 73.0 per item

Established by order № 176 3rd of December 1935Discontinued by order № 25 15th January 1943.

The Collar Tabs are included in the price of the product. You should indicate in the notes the desired color of the Collar Tabs (in accordance with the type of troops) when placing an order.

Camouflage suit “AMEBA” M3-048-U

$ 105.0 per item

An exact copy of the summer camouflage clothing of the soldiers of the Red Army – made of light cotton fabric with irregular patches. It was used in the airborne troops, scouts and sappers.

Gimnasterka (Tunic) Cotton for lower ranks 1943 (Гимнастерка хлопчатобумажная для рядового состава обр. 1943 г. ) M3-005-U

$ 73.0 per item

Established by order # 25 of 15th January 1943 5th of August 1944 breast pockets were allowed to be used by lower ranks of Female Military Personnel 16th of September 1944 other lower rank soldiers were allowed to wear them but only in case of re-issue of used Officers uniforms.Button on the shoulder straps included.
Choose the buttons for shoulder straps that you need. Made with khaki buttons by default.

Greatcoat for lower ranks RKKA 1935 (Шинель рядового состава обр. 1935 г. ) M3-015-U

$ 210.0 per item

The color of the wool can vary because of the batch of the wool we get from the factory.

Private overcoat type 1941 (Wartime release) (Шинель рядового состава обр. 1941 г. (Выпуск военного времени)) M3-151-U

$ 179.0 per item

By the fall of 1943, the number of the Red Army reached 10 million. For the uniforms of the army, it was required to significantly increase the number of produced uniforms. This weariness led to the use of lower-quality raw materials for the production of overcoats, as a result of which the overcoats became darker in color in comparison with the pre-war ones.

Gimnasterka Cotton for Officers 1943 (field tunic) (Гимнастерка хлопчатобумажная для комначсостава обр. 1943 г. (полевая)) M3-025a-U

$ 75.0 per item

Введены приказом Наркома Обороны СССР № 25 от 15 января 1943 года.Гимнастерки начальствующего состава взамен накладных карманов имеют прорезные (внутренние) карманы прикрытые клапанами.Пуговицы форменные для погон входят в комплект.

Camouflage cape-poncho “amoeba” arr. 1942 (Маскировочная накидка- пончо “амеба” обр. 1942 г.) M3-137-U

$ 55.0 per item

Replica of the summer camouflage clothing of the Red Army soldiers – made of light cotton fabric with irregular stains applied. For the first time it began to enter the troops by the middle of the summer of 1942.

Gimnasterka (cotton) for Officers RKKA 1935 (Гимнастерка (рубаха) хлопчатобумажная для комначсостава обр. 1935 г. ) M3-032-U

$ 84.0 per item

Established by order № 176, 3rd December 1935. Discontinued by order № 25 15th January 1943. Can be made with piping of any branch of service RKKA. Collar tabs are included in the price of the product. The desired color of the collar tabs, in accordance with the type of troops – indicate in the notes when placing an order.

Greatcoat lower ranks 1941 (Шинель рядового состава обр. 1941 г. ) M3-031-U

$ 210.0 per item

Collar tabs not included.
The overcoat is made with a loop for fastening shoulder straps.

Gimnasterka (Tunic) Cotton for lower ranks Female 1943 (Гимнастерка хлопчатобумажная для рядового состава обр. 1943 г. (женская)) M3-063-U

$ 73.0 per item

Established by order № 25 of 15th January 1943 5th of August 1944 breast pockets were allowed to be used by lower ranks of Female Military Personnel 16th of September 1944 other lower rank soldiers were allowed to wear them but only in case of re-issue of used Officers uniforms.Button on the shoulder straps included.

Britches (Wool) for Officers RKKA 1935 (Бриджи суконные для комначсостава обр. 1935 г. ) M3-009-U

$ 90.0 per item

Can be made with piping of any branch of service RKKA

Made of wool according to GOST (technical terms) of USSR era.