Showing 73–89 of 89 results

Britches for the lower ranks of the Cossack troops M1909 (Шаровары для нижних чинов степовых казачьих войск М1909) M1-063-U

$ 99.0 per item

Bloomers are made exactly according to the description set forth in the “Guide to the construction of uniforms and equipment for the Cossack troops, except for the Caucasian and Guards units”, published in 1911.Britches constructed with wide band (piping) red, light blue,yellow, raspberry color.Please indicate color preference when ordering.

Mundir (Dress uniform jacket) for lower ranks in Cossack Regiments 1909 Pattern (Мундир для нижних чинов казачьих частей обр. 1909 года) M1-048-U

$ 180.0 per item

We can produce uniforms with facings of any Cossack regiment as well as Horse, foot and Artillery units. Please indicate your preference during the order process. If ordering a uniform without facings and shoulder boards, price is 250USD Cossack Mundir of 1909 pattern was used as a Dress uniform in Cossack regiments. This is an example of the Mundir of Don Cossack 3rd Hetman Ermak Timofeevech Regiment, that was formed in Ust Medveditskiy Region of Don. Production of this uniform is by period standards, using patterns of that era and hand done with all the necessary details

Army infantry uniform type 1872 year (Мундир пехотный армейский обр. 1872 года) M1-107-U

$ 120.0 per item

According to the personal decree announced in the Order of the Military Department No. 6 of 01/08/1872 “On changing double-breasted uniforms with 6 and 8 buttons into single-breasted ones, with 8 buttons on the side, for generals, headquarters and chief -officers and lower ranks, as well as civilian ranks and doctors of the military department” (Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire, Second Collection, No. 50393 of 01/08/1872). There was a change in the appearance of the uniform of a number of military personnel of the Russian Imperial Army.

The photo shows an officer’s uniform made of dark green cloth.

Embroidery on the collar, cuffs and shoulder straps are not included in the price.

Army infantry uniform mod. 1855 (Мундир пехотный армейский обр. 1855 года) M1-091-U

$ 120.0 per item

The photo shows an artilleryman’s uniform; shoulder straps ARE NOT included in the price of the uniform.

Double side frock coat (Russia 1860) (Сюртук – двубортный (Россия 1860г)) M1-090-U

$ 210.0 per item

On the foto shown double side frock coat of an officer of the engineering corps.

Women suit worker telegraph department (Костюм служащей телеграфа) M6-134-U/M6-136-U

$ 280.0 per set

The set includes a jacket, skirt, insignia with a bow. We produce according to individual customer sizes. The emblems on the bow is not included in the price

Buttons, emblems were made in the workshop of Alexander Yuryevich Zubkin.

Chekmen Zabaykalskie Cossacks (Чекмень Забайкальского казачьего войска) M1-062-U

$ 189.0 per item

Chekmen – menswear between a bathrobe and a caftan. It made of cloth. Chekmen were popular among Turkic peoples, as well as the clothes were part of the Cossacks.

Bekesha (fur is gray / gray cloth greatcoat) (Бекеша) M1-038-U

$ 399.0 per item

Bekesha ( from Hungarian Bekes) Old style long coat of tunic style or Fur jacket cut at the waste with folds and riding slit in the back (can be also made without the riding slit) Hungarian kaftan with cords. Bekesha was a non regulation form of dress for Officers of Russian Cavalry and later Winter Jacket for Imperial Army. Upon request of the client, we can make Bekesha of different color with black Karacul fur trim.