Showing 1–36 of 89 results

Gaziri for Cherkeska of Terek and Kuban Troops (Газыри) M1-018-F

$ 65.0 per set

Hand made, decorative. the set includes 16 pieces

Britches wool for the Cossack troops (Шаровары для казачьих войск) M1-010-U

$ 99.0 per item

Britches constructed with wide band (piping) red, light blue,yellow, raspberry color. Please indicate color preference when ordering.

Officer gloves (brown leather) Перчатки офицерские (из коричневой лайковой кожи) M1-067-U

$ 60.0 per pair

Brown gloves were allowed to be worn to officers on maneuvers, as well as with a daily dress code (tunic and frock coat).

Please note that the list of sizes contains sizes with limited quantities:
Size 28 -only 2 pairs in stock

Please take this into account when placing your order.
How to determine your hand size, look at the illustration.

Britches wool for Step Cossack Regiments (Шаровары суконные с напуском для степовых казачьих войск) M1-073-U

$ 99.0 per item

Britches constructed with wide band (piping) red, light blue,yellow, raspberry color.Please indicate color preference when ordering.

Breeches for officers (Шаровары повседневные суконные офицерские) M1-044-U

$ 99.0 per item

Can be constructed with any color piping. Please indicate at the time of the order.

Cherkeska (Черкеска) M1-037-U

$ 169.0 per item

Cherkeska: Item of clothing worn by people of Caucasus – Single breasted caftan without a collar, cut at the waste with pleats, usually about above the knee length.With chest pockets for Gaziri. Was adopted by Terek and Kuban Cossack Hosts.

Note: the size of the gas caps is made to match the size of the Mosin rifle case. Gazyrs fit 8 pieces on each side maximum.

Britches for cavalry officers (Шаровары для офицеров кавалерии) M1-052-U

$ 99.0 per item

This is one of the styles of the trousers that the officers of the cavalry regiments sewed themselves in private studios, under the order. Differ in the color of the main cloth and edges in the side seams.Please specify the color of the edge in the notes when placing the order.

Canvas officer jacket (for infantry) (Холщевый офицерский китель (для пехоты)) M1-049-U

$ 165.0 per item

Canvas tunic (entered June 18, 1860)The canvas tunic is indicated to be worn in summertime for generals, staff officers and chief officers.Jacket was used until the reform of 1907

Officers Greatcoat (war time production) (Пальто офицерское (военного времени)) M1-056-U

$ 235.0 per item

During the WWI, Officers of imperial army for the purpose of camouflage were advised to make their greatcoats form Soldiers grade wool and same cut as a lower rank greatcoat.However form the accounts of an eye witnesses, Officers continued to wear greatcoats made from Pre-war patterns though made from wool from lower ranks coats.

Cherkeska (Черкеска) M1-016-U

$ 169.0 per item

Cherkeska: Item of clothing worn by people of Caucasus – Single breasted caftan without a collar, cut at the waste with pleats, usually about above the knee length. With chest pockets for Gaziri. Was adopted by Terek and Kuban Cossack Hosts.

Note: the size of the gas caps is made to match the size of the Mosin rifle case. Gazyrs fit 8 pieces on each side maximum.

Beshmet (Бешмет) M1-022-U

$ 107.0 per item

Beshmet: Item of clothing in caftan style, with stand up collar. Established in different colors it served as part of the uniform for Caucasus (highlanders) Units and other people from Caucasus.In time of peace Beshmet was worn at home and on the street. Various colors and materials were used in their construction.

Officer gloves (white suede leather) (Перчатки офицерские (из белой замшевой кожи)) M1-066-U

$ 60.0 per pair

White gloves were supposed to be worn by generals and officers in front uniform.
How to determine your hand size, look at the illustration.

Officer’s gloves ( leather ) M1-065-U

$ 60.0 per pair

White gloves were worn by generals and officers at the dress uniform.

How to determine your hand size, look at the illustration.