Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Double side frock coat (Russia 1860) (Сюртук – двубортный (Россия 1860г)) M1-090-U

$ 210.0 per item

On the foto shown double side frock coat of an officer of the engineering corps.

Peacetime coat (Пальто мирного времени) M1-064-U

$ 245.0 per item

The officer’s cloak (coat) was first introduced in the second half of the 19th century and practically did not change until 1917. The coat has been used as an outer garment in all types of forms.

Сollar tabs, buttons for collar tabs and for shoulder straps are included in the price of the product. Shoulder straps are not included in the price of the product.

Officers Greatcoat (war time production) (Пальто офицерское (военного времени)) M1-056-U

$ 235.0 per item

During the WWI, Officers of imperial army for the purpose of camouflage were advised to make their greatcoats form Soldiers grade wool and same cut as a lower rank greatcoat.However form the accounts of an eye witnesses, Officers continued to wear greatcoats made from Pre-war patterns though made from wool from lower ranks coats.