Showing 73–100 of 100 results

Sniper badge 3rd class (Нарукавный знак снайпера 3-го класса) M4-177-Z

$ 6.0 per item

Chevron was introduced August 20, 1944 for snipers. I had three classes. It is worn on the bottom of the right sleeve of the field, everyday and ceremonial tunic. On the overcoat is not sewn.

SS OBERSCHÜTZE’S RANK PIP M1940 (Шеврон старшего стрелка СС обр. 1940 г. ) M4-064-Z

$ 3.0 per item

This chevron embroidered star on a black background, was introduced in the formation of the Waffen SS in 1940 and designated the title – (it. SS Obershütze) – the rank of SS. Conform to the rank of general SS.V Obermann in the Waffen-SS, this title is awarded to servicemen in the rank Schutze after 6 months sluzhby.Tochno same chevron were older tankers (Panzeroberschütze) armored forces as the SS and Wehrmacht.

SS-ROTTENFÜHRER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон Роттенфюрера (Rottenführer)) M4-127-Z

$ 10.0 per item

This chevron with lace over a black background, is the title of the SS and the SA – rottenführer (Rottenführer, head of unit), which existed from 1932 to 1945. Rottenführer match in the Waffen SS rank Obergefreiter in the Wehrmacht.The same chevron worn Obergefreiter armored forces as the SS and Wehrmacht.

SS-STURMMANN’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон СС Штурмманна (SS-Sturmmann/ SA-Sturmmann)) M4-126-Z

$ 10.0 per item

This chevron with lace over a black background, is the title of the SS and the SA – SS Shturmmann (SS-Sturmmann / SA-Sturmman) “storm troopers (SA).”It conforms to the rank of corporal in the Wehrmacht “Wehrmacht”. The same chevron corporals wore armored forces as the SS and Wehrmacht.

TROPICAL GEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон ефрейтора обр. 1941 г. ) M4-132-Z

$ 10.0 per item

Chevron was introduced in early 1941 for soldiers of the Afrika Korps.

TROPICAL OBERGEFREITER / STABSGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1941 (Шеврон штабс-ефрейтора обр. 1941 г. ) M4-135-Z

$ 10.0 per item

This chevron, with lace on the fabric sand-colored, was introduced in early 1941 for soldiers of the Afrika Korps.

TROPICAL OBERGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1941 (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора обр. 1941 г. ) M4-133-Z

$ 10.0 per item

Chevron was introduced in early 1941 for soldiers of the Afrika Korps.

TROPICAL OBERGEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1941 (Шеврон обер-ефрейтора обр. 1941 г. ) M4-134-Z

$ 10.0 per item

This chevron, with lace on the fabric sand-colored, was introduced in early 1941 for soldiers of the Afrika Korps. In 1942, the Chevron abolished.

TROPICAL OBERSCHÜTZE’S RANK PIP M1941 (Шеврон старшего стрелка обр. 1941 г. ) M4-131-Z

$ 6.0 per item

This chevron embroidered star on sand-colored cloth, was introduced in early 1941 for soldiers of the Afrika Korps.

Star on the sleeve of the commanding staff of the navy (Нарукавная звезда командного состава военного флота) M3-376-Z

$ 20.0 per pair

Original stars on the sleeves of the uniform of the command staff of the Navy.Embroidered with a gimp.