Showing 25–36 of 364 results

Arm Band “friend or foe” (red/ black) (Нарукавная лента “свой-чужой” (красный-черный)) M4-078-U

$ 5.0 per item

Солдаты германской армии, находившиеся на передовой, одевали эти ленты на рукава курток и с белой и с серой или камуфлированной стороны. Ленты использовали как пароль – меняя ежедневно цвет полосок, тем самым отличали своих солдат от солдат противника.

ARTIFICER’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак фейерверкера) M4-179-Z

$ 5.0 per item

In order to release military personnel performing certain tasks, a special system has been developed chevrons. Wearing their supposed soldiers have certain skills or specialty and rank below the lieutenant.This chevron were pyrotechnics and artillery equipment on the right sleeve.

ARTILLERY RUCKSACK (Артиллерийский рюкзак (Rucksack fur Artillerie)) M4-014-S

$ 75.0 per item

It was introduced in February 1940 for the calculation of foot artillery, replacing a backpack obr.1934 These backpacks also issued small quantities of infantry and other units, especially on the Eastern Front and North Africa.

ARTILLERY SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста артиллерии) M4-155-Z

$ 5.0 per item

Chevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.

Bags for personal items (Мешки для личных вещей) M4-067-S

$ 15.0 per set

Four bags for personal items soldiers with dimensions: 38H49; 46H69; 19h60; 10h14.