Showing 37–54 of 364 results

BELT SYSTEM FOR MEDICAL FLASK (Подвесная система к литровой фляге обр. 1) M4-030-S

$ 35.0 per item

This suspension system used in the German army to carry liter flasks.

BELT SYSTEM FOR MEDICAL FLASK (Подвесная система к литровой фляге обр. 2) M4-090-S

$ 40.0 per item

This suspension system used in the German army to carry liter flasks.

CAMOUFLAGE SLEEVE RANK INSIGNIA (Tarnungs Dienstgradabzeichen) (Нарукавные знаки для камуфлированной униформы М1942) M4-185-Z

$ 5.0 per pair

On August 22ND 1942 the German army introduced a new system of camouflage sleeve rank insignia for wear by all NCO’s and Officer’s on clothing that normally wouldn’t display any rank insignia, such as, winter uniforms, wind blouses, fatigue blouses, athletic suits, tropical shirts, etc..We make every rank chevrons. Desired chevrons stipulate in the notes when ordering.

CAVALRY SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста кавалерии) M4-152-Z

$ 5.0 per item

Chevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.