Magerka (wool) (Магерка (сукно)) M5-009-G
$ 35.0 per itemMagerka was made of velvet or cloth and a feather was pinned to it. In the 17th century, the magerka was the headdress of noble people, but later ordinary people began to wear it, replacing velvet or cloth with felt.
They wore this headdress on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth, in the North-Western Territory of the Russian Empire. In our area, the peasants called this headdress “mavgerka” or “margelka”.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, during the time of Stefan Batory, it became widespread in Poland as the main winter headdress for military personnel. Magerka was often used by the Polish winged hussars.
6401_pugovitsa-formennaya-bolshaya Button uniform (military division of the Polish them. Kosciuszko) (Пуговица форменная малая (для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко)) M5-004-F
$ 1.5 per itemDiameter 14 mm. Sewn on the uniforms of soldiers and officers.
Badge of the Polish division named Kosciuszko M5-001-F
$ 20.0 per itemThe place of the formation of the division was selected Seletskii military camp near Ryazan. The division commander was appointed Colonel Zygmunt Berling. The structure of the division includes 1, 2, 3rd infantry regiments, the 1st Regiment of Light Artillery, 1st Tank Regiment, battalion antitank artillery battalion of them women. E. Plater and a squadron of fighter aircraft. After three months of training on July 15, 1943, the anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald, the 1st Division took the oath and received the flag.
Button uniform (military division of the Polish them. Kosciuszko) (Пуговица форменная большая (для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко)) M5-003-F
$ 2.0 per itemDiameter 22 mm. Sewn on the uniforms of soldiers and officers.
Large button Polish Army (Пуговица большая Войско Польское) M5-005-F
$ 2.0 per item∅ 22 мм,
Sewn on the uniforms of soldiers and officers.
Collar tabs (Air Forces) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (авиация)) M5-007-Z
$ 5.0 per pairYellow buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (armored troops) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (бронетанковые войска)) M5-006-Z
$ 5.0 per pairBlack and orange buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (artillery) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (артиллерия)) M5-004-Z
$ 5.0 per pairBlack and red buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (flak) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (зенитная артиллерия)) M5-005-Z
$ 5.0 per pairBlack and yellow buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (infantry) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (пехота)) M5-001-Z
$ 5.0 per pairBlue-yellow buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.Entered buttonholes were triangular in shape, with the infantry colors (blue and yellow) have kept the same: it is confirmed by two orders of 1943 and 1945.First Marines wore blue buttonholes with half of the yellow, and the reverse color combination was given anti-tank riflemen units.In 1945, the combination of colors in the infantry on the lapels were reversed.
Collar tabs (Medical Service) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (медицинские части)) M5-010-Z
$ 5.0 per pairWhite and red buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (sapper units) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (саперные части)) M5-008-Z
$ 5.0 per pairRed and black buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (self-propelled artillery) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (бронебойные части)) M5-003-Z
$ 5.0 per pairellow-blue buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic. First Marines wore blue buttonholes with half of the yellow, and the reverse color combination was given anti-tank riflemen units. In 1945, the combination of colors in the infantry on the lapels were reversed.
Collar tabs (technical troops) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (техническая служба)) M5-009-Z
$ 5.0 per pairBlack buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Collar tabs (Сhaplain) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (священнослужители)) M5-003-1-Z
$ 5.0 per pairPurple buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic.
Rogatyvka to the Polish military division named Kosciuszko (Рогатувка для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-007-G
$ 25.0 per itemThe 1st Infantry Division of the Polish Warsaw Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1 Polska Dywizja Piechoty im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) – was formed in 1943 in the USSR, the activists of the “Union of Polish Patriots” of Polish citizens and citizens of the USSR – Polish origin.
Tunic Field Division of the Polish troops to them. Kosciuszko (Китель полевой для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-003-U
$ 120.0 per itemThe place of the formation of the division was selected Seletskii military camp near Ryazan. The division commander was appointed Colonel Zygmunt Berling. The structure of the division includes 1, 2, 3rd infantry regiments, the 1st Regiment of Light Artillery, 1st Tank Regiment, battalion antitank artillery battalion of them women. E. Plater and a squadron of fighter aircraft. After three months of training on July 15, 1943, the anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald, the 1st Division took the oath and received the flag.