Showing 13–17 of 17 results

Collar tabs (self-propelled artillery) (Петлицы военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко (бронебойные части)) M5-003-Z

$ 5.0 per pair

ellow-blue buttonholes sewn on the collar of his cloak or tunic. First Marines wore blue buttonholes with half of the yellow, and the reverse color combination was given anti-tank riflemen units. In 1945, the combination of colors in the infantry on the lapels were reversed.

Rogatyvka to the Polish military division named Kosciuszko (Рогатувка для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-007-G

$ 25.0 per item

The 1st Infantry Division of the Polish Warsaw Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1 Polska Dywizja Piechoty im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) – was formed in 1943 in the USSR, the activists of the “Union of Polish Patriots” of Polish citizens and citizens of the USSR – Polish origin.