Showing 37–72 of 116 results

Field officer’s tunic M36 with fold-down cuffs (Feldbluse M36) M4-053-U

$ 155.0 per item

Breast eagle, shoulder straps and buttonholes are not included in the price.

Wehrmacht camouflage blouse in Splinter camouflage (Камуфляжная блуза Вермахта в камуфляже Splinter) M4-115-U

$ 52.0 per item

Splitertarn camouflage blouse with unilateral camouflage, made of cotton. The inside is white.

Officer’s drill tunic (Офицерский легкий китель из хлопковой ткани «дриллих») M4-117-U

$ 120.0 per item

This version of the uniform was made by a civilian or military tailor, for the first time this type of light clothing appeared before the war, but it is most often seen in historical photographs of the summer of 1943 and 1944 on all fronts

Collar tabs and shoulder straps are not included in the price.

Black breeches for service uniforms (Черные бриджи к служебной униформе) M4-044-U

$ 97.0 per item

The SS uniform was radically changed in 1932 after the decision to give it a more respectable look. On July 7, 1932, the wearing of black coats and breeches was introduced. First, the officers received a new uniform, then everyone else. The re-equipment process was fully completed by mid-1934.

Overcoat (Ubermantel) for SS (Шинель (Ubermantel) для частей войск СС) M4-112-U

$ 215.0 per item

German army coats specially lined with woolen cloth were used by SS units during the winter campaigns. This was the first attempt to give the troops the clothing they needed for the winter camp on the East front, for which the German army was clearly not ready.

In 1941-1942. The SS modified it into a heavy winter coat with the lower cuffs removed as a result of cost-saving measures aimed at eliminating all unnecessary material costs.

WAFFEN-SS, WINTER PARKA (Парка зимняя Ваффен СС (Windblusen) распашная (искусственный мех)) M4-111-U

$ 195.0 per item

The production of this model of the parka was started taking into account the combat experience on the Eastern Front. It was decided to make it fully unfastenable, which made it possible to quickly put it on and off.

Women’s LONG SLEEVE SHIRT (DRK) (Рубашка DRK) M4-090-U

$ 35.0 per item

Sleeve shevron included in the price.

Black servis uniform (Allgemeine SS) (Черная служебная униформа (китель)) M4-065-U

$ 220.0 per item

The actual cut of the jacket favored traditional German military design. There were, however, some improvements incorporated that gave it a unique. The open collar, which allowed a shirt and tie to be worn underneath, gave the new uniforms a handsome and formal apperance.

Shoulder straps and insignia are not included in the price. Made of semi-woolen fabric, double diagonal.

Officer’s overcoat (Offiziersmantel) М36 (Офицерская шинель (Offiziersmantel) М36) M4-109-U

$ 185.0 per item

The product is sewn using manual operations and other complicating elements.

Officer’s breeches М40 (falsch) (Бриджи офицерские М40 (тип falsch)) M4-073-Ug

$ 97.0 per item

The item is sewn using manual operations, ironing, and other complicating elements.

EM/NCO’S DRILL TUNIC M43 (Drillichbluse) (Китель летний М1942 (дрилих)) M4-098-U

$ 120.0 per item

The product is sewn, with the use of manual operations, ironing, and other complicating elements.

EM/NCO’S SURCOAT (Шинель для водителей автомобильных частей и несения караульной службы (Ubermantel)) M4-046-U

$ 250.0 per item

Overcoat-coat (Ubermantel) was introduced in November 1934 to drivers of vehicles and time. They are made of cloth on wool or fur lining. When sewing obviously increased the size and length of the product as it can be worn on top of the everyday uniform. Collar pre-war model had a dark – green, but later was changed to the color of uniforms. We used the military as one of the few tools available to deal with frost. Especially used in the winter in Russia.

OFFICER’S M36 FIELD BLOUSE (Китель офицерский полевой M36 (Feldbluse M36)) M4-042-U

$ 155.0 per item

The chest eagle, shoulder straps and collar tabs are not included in the price.

Trousers summer M1943 (Drillich) (Брюки М1943 (дрилих)) M4-099-U

$ 80.0 per item

Изделие пошито, с примeнением ручных операций, утюжки, и прочих усложняющих элементов.

Stola chaplain (Стола военного священника) M4-093-U

$ 35.0 per item

Stola – an element of liturgical vestments of the Catholic (and Lutheran) cleric. Worn on top of Alba, or under the dalmatic vestments.