Showing 1–36 of 116 results

Underpants (Трусы) M4-080-U

$ 10.0 per item

EM/NCO’S M40 FIELD BLOUSE (Китель полевой М1940 (Feldbluse M40)) M4-010-U

$ 135.0 per item

The product is sewn, with the use of manual operations, ironing, and other complicating elements.

EM/NCO’S M43 FIELD BLOUSE (Китель полевой М1943 (Feldbluse M43)) M4-034-U

$ 135.0 per item

Shoulder straps are included in the cost of the product.

EM/NCO’S M36 FIELD BLOUSE (Китель полевой М1936 (Feldbluse M36)) M4-009-U

$ 135.0 per item

The product is sewn, with the use of manual operations, ironing, and other complicating elements.Shoulder straps are included in the cost of the product.

Soldier’s socks. Wehrmacht (Носки солдатские. Вермахт) M4-119-U

$ 25.0 per pair

Made from wool. Available in 3 sizes, indicated by the white stripe (1, 2 and 3) at the ankle.

Soldier’s gloves. Wehrmacht (Перчатки солдатские. Вермахт) M4-120-U

$ 25.0 per pair

Made from wool. Available in 3 sizes, indicated by the white stripe (1,2 and 3) on the wrist.

You can determine your palm size according to the pictures and tables that are in the “description” section of this product.

WAFFEN-SS, FIRST PATTERN, WINTER ANORAK. (artificial fur) (Анорак зимний Ваффен СС, искусственный мех)) M4-076-Ua

$ 180.0 per item

This type of jacket is different from the first sample only in the absence of natural fur, which is replaced with artificial fur. In this regard, the cost of the product is reduced.

Panzer blouse M1936 (Куртка бронетанковых войск М1936) M4-087-U

$ 100.0 per item

This model of the tank jacket was modified in 1936 from the previous model of the 1934 model. The difference is the addition of buttons on the starboard side, which can be buttoned on the left side in cold weather jackets.

A shirt,a tie and shoulder straps are not included in the cost of the product.

Gebirgsjäger Anorak (Windbluse) (Куртка (ветровка) горных егерей) M4-104-U

$ 85.0 per item

Windbluse M42 Mountain Jacket is made from reversible fabric. One side of the fabric is beige and white on the other. The buttons are made of plastic, the metal buckles are made by a private German firm that has been manufacturing hardware for the German army for at least 80 years. The jacket has 3 chest pockets on both sides, side pockets, a hood.

OFFICER’S M36 FIELD BLOUSE (Китель офицерский полевой M36 (Feldbluse M36)) M4-042-U

$ 155.0 per item

The chest eagle, shoulder straps and collar tabs are not included in the price.

Apron DRK (Передник ДРК) M4-017-U

$ 38.0 per item

Dress in the price of the product is not included.

Arm Band “friend or foe” (red/ black) (Нарукавная лента “свой-чужой” (красный-черный)) M4-078-U

$ 5.0 per item

Солдаты германской армии, находившиеся на передовой, одевали эти ленты на рукава курток и с белой и с серой или камуфлированной стороны. Ленты использовали как пароль – меняя ежедневно цвет полосок, тем самым отличали своих солдат от солдат противника.