PENAL BATTALION EM’S SHOULDER STRAPS (Погоны рядового состава обр. 1936 г. (дисциплинарный батальон)) M4-018-Z

$ 10.0 per pair

In September 1936 the German army established special disciplinary units designed to reeducate and rehabilitate EM personnel who had violated military laws, by subjecting them to strictly enforced disciplinary measures. The cadre personnel of these disciplinary units wore the uniform of the last unit they had served with while the offenders uniforms were devoid of all branch of service waffenfarbe, but retained the basic insignia.

EM’S SHOULDER STRAPS M1940 “Aufklarungs” (Погоны обр. 1940 г. (разведывательные части)) M4-013-Z

$ 15.0 per pair

It is also possible to produce such epaulettes firmware NCO braid. Their wishes disclosed in the notes when ordering.

EM/NCO’S SHOULDER STRAP SLIDE. M1940 (Муфты на погоны с шифровкой полка или части обр. 1940 г. ) M4-002-Z

$ 10.0 per pair

We embroider any number of regiments. The desired number the regiment or monogram disclosed in the notes when ordering.

Shoulder straps with embroidered or encryption of the number of the regiment (Погоны с шифровкой полка или части) M4-001-Z

$ 20.0 per pair

Embroider encrypt all regiments. The desired number of the regiment or monogram disclosed in the notes when ordering. It is also possible to produce shoulder straps with a non-commissioned officer’s braid. Their wishes disclosed in the notes when ordering.