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Overcoat RKM sample 1940 (Шинель РКМ образца 1940 года) M3-157-U
$ 270.0 per itemIntroduced by order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 79 dated February 8, 1940
- Buttonholes are included in the price.
- When ordering, please indicate the rank, the color of the buttons depends on it.
Officer belt of the NKVD commander (Повседневное снаряжение комначсостава НКВД) M3-123-S
$ 80.0 per itemMachine stitching with handmade elements.
Parade jacket for officer of the internal troops m43 (Парадный мундир офицера Внутренних войск. Обр. 43 года) M3-147-U
$ 270.0 per itemFor senior and middle command and control personnel of the Internal Troops, Border Troops, Convoy Troops, Troops for the Protection of Particularly Important Industrial Enterprises, Troops for the Protection of Railways, Government Communications, the Directorate of Operational Troops and the Military Educational Institutions of the NKVD of the USSR.
Introduced by order of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 126 of February 18, 1943.
The uniform is made of khaki worsted fabric, lined with cotton. The uniform has a piping on the collar and cuffs. We make any ranks. Buttonholes, shoulder straps are included in the cost of the product.
Semi-wool fabric, double diagonal, made on the basis of the original sample.
Parade jacket for privates and junior command and command personnel of the internal troops. 1943 (Парадный мундир для рядового и младшего командного и начальствующего состава внутренних войск. Обр. 43 г.) M3-126-U
$ 165.0 per itemIntroduced by order of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 126 of February 18, 1943.
The site presents the uniform of a sergeant of the internal troops . The uniform is made of khaki worsted fabric, with a cotton lining. The uniform has a piping on the collar and cuffs. We make any kind of troops (Border Troops, Convoy Troops, Troops for the Protection of Particularly Important Industrial Enterprises, the Troops for the Protection of Railways, Government Communications, the Directorate of Operational Troops and the Military Educational Institutions of the NKVD of the USSR.)
Specify the desired edging color in the notes when placing an order. Buttonholes, shoulder straps are included in the price of the product.
Semi-wool fabric, double diagonal. Made on the basis of an original fabric sample
Parade jacket for the officer of the state security bodies of the NKVD of the USSR M43 (Парадный мундир офицера госбезопасности НКВД СССР обр. 43 года) M3-146-U
$ 270.0 per itemFor senior and middle command and command personnel of the state security bodies of the NKVD of the USSR.
(Introduced by order of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 126 of February 18, 1943).
The uniform is made of khaki worsted fabric, lined with cotton. The uniform has a piping on the collar and cuffs. We make any ranks. Buttonholes, shoulder straps are included in the cost of the product.
Semi-wool fabric, double diagonal, made on the basis of the original sample.
Parade tunic of the RKM personnel 1947 (Парадный мундир личного состава РКМ обр. 1947 г.) M3-143-U
$ 270.0 per itemThe photo shows the uniform of the senior and middle commanders of the militia.
Order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0553 of 09/12/1947
The tunic of the railway worker of the NKPS USSR 30s (Мундир железнодорожника НКПС СССР 30-е годы) M3-144-U
$ 190.0 per itemOn the foto presented the uniform of a locomotive driver of the 3rd class (traction service) according to the table of uniforms for the highest command personnel of the NKPS, the directorate of roads and line agents (Adition to order No. 403 / C 1932)
The price includes collar tabs and insignia.
Insignia, buttons are made in the workshop of Alexander Yuryevich Zubkin.
Gimnasterka (half wool) M1937 for Officers NKVD (Boarder troop) (Гимнастерка (рубаха) полушерстяная для комначсостава НКВД обр.1937 г. (Погранвойска)) M3-140-U
$ 80.0 per itemСollar tabs are included in the product price. The desired color of the color tabs, in accordance with the branch of service – indicate in the notes when placing an order.
Tunic for commanders M1943 (Китель полушерстяной для комначсостава обр.1943 г.) M3-141-U
$ 160.0 per itemKhaki tunic of half wool fabric with brass buttons. Used junior and senior officers on a daily basis both in the ranks and off duty.We manufacture all types of troops. Color edge disclosed in the notes when ordering.Button on the shoulder straps included.
Gimnasterka (cotton) M1937 for Officers NKVD (Гимнастерка (рубаха) хлопчатобумажная для комначсостава обр. 1937 г. (НКВД)) M3-018-U
$ 79.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 275 from July 15, 1937.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Buttonholes are included in the price of the product. The desired color of the buttonholes, in accordance with the type of troops – indicate in the notes when placing an order.
French (dress uniform) for Officers (Френч для комначсостава обр. 1935 г. ) M3-104-U
$ 160.0 per itemIf nessesary, describe the color of piping in the notes. Collar tabs are included in the price of the product. Sleeve chevron isn’t included in the price of the product.
Half-wool fabric, double diagonal. Made on the basis of an original fabric sample.
French (dress uniform) for Officers M1943 (Китель суконный для комначсостава обр. 1943 г. ) M3-091-U
$ 160.0 per itemTunic used junior and senior officers on a daily basis both in the ranks and outside the system. We manufacture all types of troops. Button on the shoulder straps included.
Gimnasterka (cloth) M32/35 for lower ranks NKVD (Гимнастерка (рубаха) суконная для рядового состава обр. 32/35 г. (НКВД)) M3-045-U
$ 75.0 per itemIntroduced by the order number 789 from the GPU August 20, 1932.The cut of his shirt confirmed the orders of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 396 (for GUGB) and number 399 (the troops of the NKVD) on December 27, 1935.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.
Gimnasterka (cotton tunic) M32/35 for lower ranks NKVD (Гимнастерка (рубаха) хлопчатобумажная для рядового состава обр. 32/35 г. (НКВД)) M3-019-U
$ 73.0 per itemIntroduced by the order number 789 from the GPU August 20, 1932.The cut of his shirt confirmed the orders of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 396 (for GUGB) and number 399 (the troops of the NKVD) on December 27, 1935.Collar Tabs are included in the price of the product. You should indicate in the notes the desired color of Collar Tabs (in accordance with the type of troops) when placing an order.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.
Gimnasterka (cotton) M1943 (Гимнастерка для рядового и начальствующего состава обр. 1943 г. (милиция)) M3-069-U
$ 81.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Abrogate the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 6 July 1945.Button on the shoulder straps included.
Gimnasterka (cotton) M1943 for Officers NKVD (Гимнастерка хлопчатобумажная для комначсостава обр. 1943 г. (НКВД)) M3-030-U
$ 75.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Abrogate the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 6 July 1945.Button on the shoulder straps included.
Gimnasterka (summer) tunic 1922 (officers of the GPU-OGPU NKVD RSFSR) (Гимнастерка обр. 1922 г. (начальствующего состава ГПУ-ОГПУ при НКВД РСФСР)) M3-101-U
$ 70.0 per itemCan be made for all branches of OGPU The authorities of the GPU-OGPU was to ensure public safety: the struggle with political crimes, espionage, maintenance operations carried out by authorities, the fight against gang violence, arrests and ambushes, protecting government institutions, values the importance of public and industrial facilities.
Gimnasterka (white Cotton) M1937 for Officers NKVD (Рубаха летняя белая для комначсостава обр. 1937 г. (НКВД)) M3-029-U
$ 55.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 275 from July 15, 1937.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.
Gimnasterka (white Cotton) M1940 (Гимнастерка (рубаха) летняя белая для рядового состава обр. 1940 г. (милиция)) M3-062-U
$ 65.0 per itemCompleting materials – cotton, calico, cloth, buttons, hook.
Gimnasterka (Wool) for Officers NKVD M1935 (Гимнастерка комначсостава органов и войск НКВД обр. 1935 г. ) M3-098-U
$ 85.0 per itemPut the orders of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 396 (for GUGB) and number 399 (on GUPVO) on December 27, 1935.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 275 from July 15, 1937.On the collar and cuffs of the tunic has the edge golden or silver Soutache. Color Soutache for middle and senior command personnel – silver, for the top – gold.Color Soutache disclosed in the notes when ordering.
Gimnasterka (Wool) M1937 for Officers NKVD (Гимнастерка (рубаха) суконная для комначсостава обр. 1937 г. (НКВД)) M3-008-U
$ 79.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 275 from July 15, 1937.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.
Gimnasterka (Wool) M1940 (militia officers) (Гимнастерка (рубаха) суконная для начсостава обр. 1940 г. (милиция)) M3-068-U
$ 89.0 per itemCompleting materials – cotton, calico, cloth, buttons, hook. Collar tabs are included in the product package.
Gimnasterka (Wool) M1943 for Officers NKVD (Гимнастерка суконная для комначсостава обр. 1943 г. (пограничные войска НКВД)) M3-046-U
$ 75.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Abrogate the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 6 July 1945.Button on the shoulder straps included.
Greatcoat M1922 (commanding staff of the GPU of the NKVD of the RSFSR) (Шинель обр. 1922 г. (начальствующего состава ГПУ при НКВД РСФСР)) M3-100-U
$ 230.0 per itemCan be made for all branches of OGPU The first form of “special bodies of the GPU,” was introduced June 27, 1922 Order of the GPU action extended to the internal troops. Items of clothing and equipment used in the organs and the troops of the GPU, different from the Red Army only colors and some details.
Greatcoat M1937 for Officers NKVD (Шинель комначсостава НКВД обр. 1937 г. ) M3-043-U
$ 230.0 per itemIntroduced by the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 275 from July 15, 1937.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.
Undercollar (Подворотничок на гимнастерку) M3-120-U
$ 5.0 per itemLength – 50 cm. The collar is sewn to the uniform of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army.